Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay The Father of Existentialism Soren Kierkegaard

During the late 19th and 20th centuries, several philosophers debated on the doctrine differences that all philosophical thinking begin with the human in terms of thinking, acting and feeling. The fundamental concepts of the externalist philosophers are that they believed that the existence of human conditions is the main problem to share similar ontology. Soren Kierkegaard is considered to be the father of existentialism. Although, he did not use the word ‘existentialism’, but initially the concept that no society or religion is the main cause that leads an individual to live a life with sincerity or passionately. It is perhaps his own beliefs and feeling that makes him to feel that way (Wartenberg). Similarly, Martin Buber (1878-1965) is†¦show more content†¦Human’s feelings and conditions can only be overcome by having total faith and commitment within oneself and god. Similarly, Buber states faith in a manner that if an individual views an object acco rding to its usefulness, then he is dutiful to ensure that that he is available in every circumstance with openness and ethical engagement. He states that an individual can see God with two aspects that is I-it that is to de-attach him from others and get adopt the utilitarian approach in which everyone makes use of each other. On the contrary, there is a I-Thou relationship in which one is engaged with other with total openness, equality and faithfulness or total presentence. Every individual is available for each other and takes honor and pride to help others not just for personal usefulness but also for the sake of others. As Kierkegaard states God is attained through the total faith that is to behave ethically with the regular enactment with the religion institutes with a commitment (Stewart, 2011). Buber in a similar way suggest that God is visible if individuals are available to each other with a pure dedication that is the total presentness as he states, ‘Meet the world with the fullness off your being and you shall meet God(Stewart, 2011)†. He stated that God interacts with the people with objects and other human beings that He sends in their life. The more a person practice openness with the others, the more he is able to see the God.Show MoreRelatedSoren Kierkegaard Essay1309 Words   |  6 PagesProject: Soren Kierkegaard: Mega Mind of the 19th Century Soren Kierkegaard: Mega Mind of the 19th Century As a man whose work spans across areas such as philosophy, theology, devotional literature, and more, Soren Kierkegaard is considered one of the mega-minds of philosophy and the 19th century. He was influenced by many people throughout his life, as well as influencing many people himself. 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